
Lead Generation

4 Inbound Lead Generation Strategies for the Building Industry

 June 4, 2024

By  Greenhouse Digital + PR


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In today’s highly competitive business environment, lead generation stands out as a pivotal strategy for driving growth and success. Lead generation is the process of turning strangers into prospects and, eventually, loyal customers. Businesses can pique a person’s interest in their product or service by offering valuable resources such as eBooks, white papers, and free consultations.

Beyond offering valuable content, lead generation is about finding unique and creative ways to attract people to your brand. In this blog, we’ll touch on the basics of lead generation and dive into practical strategies you can leverage to boost lead generation and expand your customer base.

How to Generate Leads

Generating leads can be broken down into a few key stages:

  1. Discovery: A visitor discovers your business via a marketing channel such as your website, blog, or social media page. 
  2. Call-to-Action (CTA): Once visitors find something of interest, they may click on a CTA – a visually appealing message, button, or image that encourages visitors to take a specific action.
  3. Landing Page: The CTA then directs the visitor to a landing page, which is designed to capture their information in exchange for an offer.
  4. Offer: An offer can be an eBook, a course, a free trial, or anything else that may be of perceived value to the visitor. It is essential that the offer is compelling enough to motivate the visitor to provide their personal information.
  5. Form Submission: On the landing page, visitors are prompted to fill out a form that collects their details in exchange for the offer. Forms are usually hosted on landing pages but can also be embedded anywhere on your website. By filling out the form, visitors become leads, and you can begin the process of nurturing them into customers.

Lead Generation Strategies

When it comes to online lead generation, the strategies you employ can vary greatly based on the platform you are targeting for capturing leads. Let’s explore some effective lead-generation strategies tailored for popular social media platforms.

1. Facebook

Facebook’s lead ads allow users to fill out a form without leaving the platform, making the process seamless and straightforward. Lead ads can be used for a variety of purposes, such as offering a free ebook, a newsletter subscription, or a discount code. You can also create custom audiences to target groups of Facebook users that you can create based on your database of existing leads. 

By creating custom audiences and targeting them with Facebook ads, you can expand your marketing reach and convert more leads into customers.

2. Instagram

One way to utilize lead generation for Instagram is through Influencer Marketing. This is where you partner with influencers who have a relevant audience within your industry, and they can amplify your lead-generation efforts. Influencer marketing on Instagram can take various forms. Here are some examples of how brands have successfully utilized influencer partnerships for lead generation:

  • Product Reviews: Collaborating with an influencer to create a detailed review of your product or service can help generate leads by showcasing its features and benefits to a targeted audience.
  • Giveaways and Contests: Partnering with an influencer to host a giveaway or contest can encourage users to engage with your brand, follow your account, and provide their contact information to enter the competition.
  • Sponsored Posts: Having an influencer create sponsored posts featuring your product or service with a compelling call-to-action can drive traffic to your website or landing page, leading to potential lead conversions.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Setting up an affiliate marketing program with influencers can incentivize them to promote your offerings to their audience, earning a commission for each lead or sale generated through their unique referral link.

3. LinkedIn

Similar to Facebook’s lead ads, LinkedIn’s Lead Gen Forms allow users to fill out a form without leaving the platform. By enabling users to provide information with a few clicks, Lead Gen Forms offer a frictionless experience that can increase conversions.

LinkedIn also offers sponsored content that allows brands to target specific audiences with ads that appear in users’ feeds. By targeting users with relevant content, you can capture leads that are more likely to convert into customers.

4. PPC 

When we say pay-per-click (PPC), we’re referring to ads on search engine result pages (SERPs). Google Ads are a powerful tool for generating leads through search intent. By targeting specific keywords and creating compelling ads, you can capture leads from users who are actively searching for your product or service.

Additionally, you can utilize remarketing ads to target users who have previously interacted with your website or social media profiles. By displaying ads to users who have already expressed some level of interest, you can increase the likelihood of conversion.

Tips for Lead Generation Campaigns

  1. Choose the right lead generation tools: Utilize tools like email marketing software, CRM platforms, and lead capture forms to streamline and automate your lead generation efforts.
  2. Create compelling offers for each stage of the buyer’s journey: Tailor your offers and content to meet the needs of potential leads at each stage of their buying process. This will help you attract, engage, and convert leads more effectively.
  3. Maintain consistent messaging and deliver on promises: Ensure your messaging across all channels, from ads to landing pages, is consistent and aligned with the value you promise to deliver. Meeting or exceeding expectations helps build trust and drives lead conversions.
  4. Link your call-to-action (CTA) to a dedicated landing page: Instead of directing leads to your website’s homepage, direct them to a dedicated landing page focused on your specific offer. This keeps their attention focused and improves the chances of lead capture and conversion, as well as the ability to track potential leads.
  5. Strategically use social media: Leverage social media platforms to build brand awareness, engage with your audience, and drive leads. Use a mix of organic and paid strategies, such as content creation, influencer partnerships, and targeted advertising, to maximize your reach and lead generation potential.

There you have it! Now that you know more about how to generate leads for your business. Download our complete guide to generating inbound leads, where we share How to Generate Leads, How to Qualify Leads, Lead Generation Benchmarks, Lead Generation Strategies, and Lead Generation Campaign Tips.

We also recommend you try HubSpot’s free lead generation tool. Use it to add simple conversion assets to your site (or replace your existing forms) to help you learn more about your site visitors and what content prompts them to convert.


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